
July 29, 2015

32 Weeks // Pregnancy Breakdown

I am coming into the last few weeks of my pregnancy and it is all starting to feel very real now. There is no doubt that my bebe bump is on full display and the only option at this point is to embrace it with open arms. Ryan and I are excited but also a bit overwhelmed at all we have left to do before our due date in early september. Here is a recap of how things have been since my last recap about 6 weeks ago.

(ryan and I in a photo booth at the big eat, a denver food festival when I was 32 weeks along)

to read my 26 week breakdown click here, 20 week breakdown click here and my 1st trimester breakdown here.


  1. I love these posts! I feel like I say it all the time, but I love reading them and hearing what you and your little bebe have been up to considering I can't see you on a daily basis anymore. LYLAS!!


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- Jaime