
November 22, 2012
feeling or expressing gratitude; appreciative

Happy Thanksgiving to all!  I could not be more excited to spend the day with all those I love so much.  What I love most about the holidays is the times sitting around the table, telling stories, eating amazing food, laughing and just being together.  Here are a few more things I am truly thankful for...

Kindness.  A smile from a random person passing by you on the street, someone holding the elevator when you are running late or just a wave of 'thank you' when you let a car in on the highway.  The act of kindness can make a person's day and even the smallest act can make a huge difference.  I am thankful that this world is full of so much kindness.

My faith.  I am grateful for my relationship with God and the spirituality that I carry within myself all the time.  I know it will always guide me in the right decision and be there for me when I have questions or fears.  

Photos.  A single picture can transport you back in time.  They capture moments forever and are a link to our past.  I feel like they are a way to forever keep memories alive and bring our past to our present.  I am grateful for the photos that link me to my ancestors  wonderful experiences with my friends and moments I never want to forget.  

My love for food.  It tells a story and brings people together.  The ability to connect with others, taste new ingredients and learn about other cultures through food is one of the most amazing experiences to have.  I am so thankful for every meal I get to enjoy in a new restaurant or being able to share recipes I love with others.  I have a passion for food that runs deep within me and I love the ability that share it.

Love.  To know you are loved by someone is the best feeling in the world.  To give love is an act that comes from deep within your heart.  I am thankful for the love I feel from my husband, family and friends.  It is not something tangible but it is real and I hope they all feel the love I give to them. 


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- Jaime