Grateful // Girlfriends

December 21, 2012

I have the pleasure of calling a handful of women that I love, admire and trust my girlfriends.  These friends have been there for me during my highs and lows, they laugh with me and also at me but more importantly support and stand by me through all.  

As I have made my way through much of my 20's I have realized that the great friends we make  in life are few.  I also believe that those friends are ones you have to hold close.  These women have taught me forgiveness, trust, humor, practicality, pride, honesty and a slew of lessons which have made me into a better person today.  I know they are each only a call away, a few blocks from my house and even now, a 2 1/2 hour trek north.  

True friendship is honestly one of the best gifts in the world and I have been blessed a million times over by these women being part of my life.

1 comment:

  1. Why didn't you tell me your friends had such nice legs? (joking)

    Your blog looks really nice now!! I like!


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- Jaime