Weekend Update

July 27, 2015
August is literally days away and while I am super excited for all the activities and events that will be coming up in the month ahead, I savored this past weekend as much as I could. Why you might ask? Well, it was the last weekend for many to come that was not completely full of plans and things to do.  

Ryan and I spent a lot of quality time with rocco which felt so good after our scare last week. We lingered on our back patio, went on walks, soaked up the sun and just enjoyed being at home as a family of three. The weekend also brought together ryan's family for a bbq in honor of my brother-in-law luke who's birthday was earlier in the week. It was a relaxing and fun-filled evening that I hope he enjoyed as much as I did. My weekend wrapped up with treating myself to a pedicure and also some time at the pool before dinner on the patio. The weather was ideal and the company made the evening complete. 

I will not have another leasurely weekend again until late august and by then I will probably be the size of a house and extremely uncomfortable as my pregnancy comes to an end so I am glad I made the most of the past couple of days. Here is to hoping you did the same! 


  1. That is such a great photo of Luke and Ryan! Also, the pix of you holding OhBabyWade gave me chills! A sneak peek of what's to come. You are going to make such an amazing mommy.

    1. Oh you are so sweet friend. thank you for all your lovely comments. I cannot wait to see you in a couple of weeks!


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- Jaime